
Mohamed Zahran

Professor (clinical)
Computer Science Department
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 

Office: WWH 320  
251 Mercer street, Manhattan, NY, 10012

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Best way to reach me!  mzahran (AT) acm DOT org

View Mohamed Zahran's profile on LinkedIn
Twitter: @MohamedMZahran


Ph.D.: Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park, 2003.

Detailed  CV

Heterogeneous Computing: Hardware and Software Perspectives My book is now available from Morgan Claypool, Google Play, and Amazon.

Research Interests:

  • Heterogeneous architectures and the road to exascale computing
  • Hardware/Software interaction
  • AI support for architecture (and sometimes the other way around!)


Professional Activities

My Reviews at Computing Reviews website  (You may want to login or register)

Biography: Mohamed Zahran received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Maryland at College Park in 2003. He is currently a faculty member with the Computer Science Department at NYU. His research interest spans several aspects of computer architecture, such as architecture of heterogeneous systems, hardware/software interaction, and high-performance computing. Zahran is a senior member of IEEE, senior member of ACM,  and  Sigma Xi scientific honor society.

In case you have nothing better to do, here is a list of quotes I gathered from here and there.

Academic Genealogy

Mohamed Zahran, Ph.D. 2003, University of Maryland-College Park
Manoj Franklin, Ph.D. 1993, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gurindar Sohi, Ph.D. 1985, UIUC
Edward S. Davidson, Ph.D. 1968, UIUC
Gernot Metz, Ph.D. 1958, UIUC
Sundaram Seshu, Ph.D. 1955, UIUC
Willis Emery, Ph.D. 1947, Iowa State University
John Ryde, Ph.D. 1945, Iowa State University
Wallace L. Cassell, (no Ph.D.) B.Sc. 1922, University of Colorado at Boulder

Page last modified by Mohamed Zahran in Nov 2021